Avoid these packing mistakes. Photo courtesy of pexels.com.
Have you tried packing light or just a carry-on only to get frustrated and then pack a giant suitcase? We’ve all been there! Even me, until I learned of these packing mistakes I was making. When it comes to packing just a carry-on there are some key things you need to avoid to make it all so much easier. Follow along for the keys to packing light!
1. PACKING MISTAKES: Taking full-sized liquids (or full-sized anything, really)
Mastering the art of packing light starts with editing down your toiletries. You don’t need full size anything when it comes to shampoos, conditioners, creams and lotions… look for mini versions of your favourites, or invest in some reusable and refillable tubes to cart around your must-needed toiletries. Same goes for any beauty tools. Opt for mini straightening irons, blow dryers (if you must take one), mini brushes, etc.
2. PACKING MISTAKES: Anything bulky or heavy
They key here is light layers. Nix the bulky sweaters, coats, or any clothing items that don’t roll up nicely and tightly. Lightweight layers give you more options when it comes to mixing and matching outfits, and can actually be warmer than one big bulky item. Always wear your biggest or heaviest items on the plane (think sneakers, biggest jackets or coats, boots, etc.) to save luggage space.
3. PACKING MISTAKES: Leave the books at home!
We love a good read while on a plane, the beach or in transit. But let’s face it, physical books are bulky, heavy and awkward to pack in. Limit the number you bring with you, or go full on digital and bring an e-reader so you have tons of options minus the weight. Keep your hard covers at home on your bookshelf.

Photo courtesy of pexels.com.
4. PACKING MISTAKES: Haphazard packing
One surefire way to over pack is to not have any kind of system when packing. Throwing items in will likely mean you won’t remember what is actually in there and you can take things you just don’t need. We’re big fans of rolling your clothing to maximize space and for keeping organized. But even if you need to flat pack, try and keep it organized in some way, so you know exactly what’s in there (and you’ll find you have way more space).
5. PACKING MISTAKES: Storing your cash
Make sure you don’t keep all your cash in one spot. On the off chance that something may happen to your luggage (lost at an airport, or stolen), you don’t want all your funds to be in that one spot. Keep a bit of cash in various spots so you’re never in a pinch.
6. PACKING MISTAKES: Taking way too much
More often than not, people who over pack don’t end up using or wearing more than half of what they pack in their suitcase. With a bit of planning and prep beforehand when it comes to your outfits and choosing items that have multi-purposes, you can really edit down what you take with you. Trust us, you will be SO much happier NOT lugging around a giant suitcase full of things you didn’t even consider wearing!
Watch our video on how to really pack like a pro below!
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