Harley Pasternak shares his top 5 healthy travel tips with Travel & Style. Photo courtesy of New Balance
As much as we love hopping time zones, landing on a new continent and waking up in a new city, it can sometimes wreak havoc on our bodies. And eating well and fitting in regular workouts can fall to the wayside in favour of a few extra hours of jet-lagged sleep or that extra glass of Pinot because we’re in Tuscany. We’ll admit it – sometimes we need help and motivation. Celebrity trainer and food guru Harley Pasternak has it for us with his five ways to stay fit and healthy while travelling. Read on to see how he will change your travelling ways.
Harley Pasternak’s Top 5 Workout/Health Tips While Travelling
1. Pack a Suspension Strap
“I love the TRX suspension strap for turning any hotel room into a gym (and no, I don’t get paid by TRX),” laughs Pasternak. Do curls, leg lifts and more with your trusty strap – as an added bonus, it takes up very little room in your suitcase (which is essential for us since we’re carry-on only people).
2. Try to Hit at Least 10,000 Steps a Day
It’s easy to walk and walk and walk when you’re in Paris, London, or any major city. But don’t forget to get in some extra steps while on a beach vacation, too (yes, that means peeling yourself off the bed in your poolside cabana and walking along the beach and not just to the bar for another drink). But it’s totally doable. “The airport also makes for a great place to get steps before and after your flight,” says Pasternak, and it’s a great way to get your body and joints moving after being cramped in those little seats.
3. Think Shoes
“Happy feet, happy … well, not sure what rhymes here,” jokes Pasternak. “But comfortable shoes are essential to travelling and staying fit.” It’s motivation to get your butt in gear and get moving, and will entice you to walk more. “I like to bring a pair of athletic shoes that also look good with jeans,” says Pasternak, and luckily for the stylish set, cute kicks go with so many outfits these days.
4. Almonds Are Your Best Friend
The one downfall that almost everyone hits while travelling? Hunger that happens at the most inopportune times, which no doubt leads to a croissant, gelato, fries or anything else that is sweet, fried and generally unhealthy. Or the classic case of overindulging. Pasternak’s secret weapon is small but mighty almonds. “It’s an easy snack that does not require refrigeration or preparation. Almonds are good on the go and provide energy, protein, fiber, and good fat!”
5. Be Adventurous and Explore the Local Cuisine
Don’t think you can’t indulge a little while travelling. That’s not the case at all, says Pasternak. “You can find healthy meals everywhere in the world. To help keep you on track, use these rules when dining out: protein the mass of your hand, unlimited veggies, a handful of a whole grain or high-fiber fruit, at least a thumb size of a healthy fat!”
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