With the cost of checked bags, not to mention the chance that your bags may get lost or delayed, we’re all about packing lighter and in carry-on only. The problem usually is narrowing down our items so that we can squeeze it all into a carry-on size. But these five packing tips have been lifesavers for us and has helped curate our packing for vacations. Try them out and save room for some extra shopping.
Packing Tips: Think Light Layers
No matter what your destination, thin, light layers will not only save you some major luggage space, it will also provide you with more outfit options. For hot temperatures, it’s easier to pack sheer, flowy tops, dresses, skirts and light-weight shorts. But for cooler destinations pack light-weight, wrinkle-resistant blouses, tanks, tops, skirts and dresses, as well as thin sweaters for extra warmth.
Packing Tips: Blazers Are Your New Travel Essential
Blazers are essential for two reasons. One, they can double up as a coat when needed (throw on a thicker scarf for added warmth). And two, they can be paired with denim or shorts for a casual take. Or with slim black pants or a dress for a more polished look. Wear one on the plane and have another tucked into your suitcase for more options, minus the space a regular jacket would take.
Packing Tips: Roll Your Clothes
We’ve tried many techniques for cramming more clothing into our suitcases, but we keep coming back to this trick – rolling. Rolling your clothes allows for easy stacking and layering. It’s even great for stuffing (we have been known to stuff t-shirts into shoes in a pinch). The key is to make sure you pick clothes that are more wrinkle-resistant and thinner in material. This will mean even more space, and less time spent ironing once you arrive at your destination.
Packing Tips: Bring One Pair of Heels
It sounds absolutely insane, but one of the best ways to save space is to limit your shoes – especially heels. Pick one amazing (and we mean truly amazing!) pair of heels that you love. One that you can pair with just about anything from jeans to a cocktail dress. Wear flats/runners on the plane for your usual daytime adventures. Flat sandals also take up so little room you can squeeze those in too.
Packing Tips: Edit Your Beauty Products
This might be more difficult than deciding on one pair of heels. But once you get it down pat you’ll never travel with full-sized beauty products again. Keep it simple with multi-tasking beauty products — lipstick that can duo as blush, lip balm that can moisturize cuticles, etc. And either purchase mini versions of your favourite products, or invest in small travel-sized bottles that you can top up with your beauty go-tos.
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