5 Reasons To Book Your Summer Vacation NOW

5 Reasons To Book Your Summer Vacation NOW

Travel is looking up! With vaccines and new travel rules, people are planning travel. Which is why you need to book that summer vacation now.

5 reasons to book a summer vacation now

Now’s the time to book!

Now is the time to book your summer vacation! With the latest news from the CDC that fully vaccinated people are safe to travel, there is a new hope that we will be on those planes very soon. And with that anticipation of future travel in near sight, it’s the perfect time to book your summer vacation now. Pandemic travel has been keeping us away from bigger trips, and that’s creating a pent up demand. Here’s why you’ll want to start booking now–for the best deals, to secure your spot, and to bring you some joy.

Book before it’s gone!

RV and campground sales spiked last summer, and have already started to spike now. So if you’re looking to do an outdoor adventure and want to book your summer vacation, don’t wait.

It’s less stress if your book your summer vacation in advance

Pandemic travel, even post-vaccine, is going to be more stressful. Planning now makes sure you’re prepared for all scenarios, so you’re less stressed when you get on vacation.

Flight prices are low!

Domestic flight prices and even some international flights are at pretty good prices right now, which makes it tempting to book your summer vacation now. And you can totally expect them to go up once more people are vaccinated. So nab that deal now. Make sure you read the fine print on cancellation and change policies before booking.

Planning = happiness!

Planning trips can actually make you happier than going on trips… so get planning now. Don’t forget to include all these important details from our Pandemic Travel Checklist.

It’s been too long! So book your summer vacation now…

Most of us haven’t been on vacation for a while now. We all deserve a break and a mental escape. So when it’s safe for you to do so (and safe in your destination of choice), book that trip. Be sure to double check the regulations in your destination–just because travel is safe for you, doesn’t mean all places are accepting tourists.


5 reasons to book your summer vacation now


Dream Vacations Series: Sardinia