Your Pandemic Travel Checklist. Photo courtesy of pexels.com.
Depending on where you are in the world–you may, or may not, be able to travel and get that vacation time in. Pandemic travel is either happening full-swing for some, or not at all. But whether you’re planning for a trip in the near future, or a post-pandemic trip, there are a few more things you need to think about before you book. We’ve created a pandemic travel checklist–all the things you need to consider before hopping on a plane, train or in your car.
Restrictions Where You Live
First, and foremost, what are the current restrictions where you live when it comes to travel? If you’re in an area that is in a full lock down, stay-at-home situation, it’s time to plan your trip, not actually go on one. If you are able to travel, whether a short distance or far-flung, you need to double check your own restrictions for your pandemic travel checklist.
- Will you need to quarantine when you get home? For how long? That includes no outside visits to grocery stores (if so, make sure you set up for your return with an at-home meal service like Good Food, Chefs Plate, or Hello Fresh).
- Do you need a COVID test on your return, or before you leave?
Restrictions Where You’re Going
Same goes with where you will be travelling for your pandemic travel checklist. Triple check all the restrictions and regulations of the destination you’re visiting. The last thing you want is to show up and find out most of the things you wanted to do are not open or accessible. Nearly every tourism or destination website will have a full list of requirements and updates.
- Do you need a COVID test prior to arrival? Do you need one there?
- Do you need to quarantine there? For how long? Where will you be able to quarantine?
- What are their rules for masks, restaurants being open, activities being available, etc.
- What rules and regulations does your hotel have in place for safety?
- What are their procedures if you, as a visitor, contract COVID?
Pandemic Travel Insurance
Make sure you look into this for your pandemic travel checklist, but don’t forget about regular travel insurance as well. A lot of airlines will offer COVID insurance, but only cover things related to that (an outbreak, cancelled flights, etc.) and only for a specific amount of time and money.
- Does your airline offer COVID coverage? If not, can you get coverage from your regular insurance?
- How many days will be covered and up to what cost?
Triple Check All Your Cancellation Policies
As we’ve all seen, travel can change at the last minute. And that may mean you want to change your vacation plans. Make sure to add this to your pandemic travel checklist. Before you book anything, read all the COVID policies on cancellations, change fees and refunds so you know exactly what to expect.
Build Your Pandemic Travel Toiletry Bag
Make room in your carry-on for COVID-friendly extras on your pandemic travel checklist.
- You can now include a bottle of sanitizer up to 12oz (keep it in a separate bag to go through security)
- Bring ample wipes with you and keep them at an easy reach for emergencies
- Bring extra masks–you may need to double up, and you want to always have fresh ones available
- Check the tsa.com before leaving for a flight. They have the latest information on what you can bring on board with you.
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